#JustStart your Goals

Hifsa Yasmin
2 min readApr 2, 2021


Time Management:

I think I should start introducing myself like,” Hey! I am pro in procrastination, what about you?”

I have such a bad habit of doing everything at eleventh hour. So, I have decided to change this habit but wait I know I’m indolent and I have tried this before so why I did not get success? And Why I am doing all this again?

Well the main reason is that I think now I should take it seriously and should try hard with consistency.

“Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back.”

Harvey Mackay

So, my SMART Goal is that I want to use my time effectively by making a good plan every night before going to bed and then strictly follow it the next day. If I fail to complete all the tasks that I have decided then I will punish myself by not sleeping until I finish each and every task. So that after one month I will be able to manage multiple tasks.

We all have same 24 hours a day then why some of us are successful and some are not?

Successful are those who know that they can’t get a same second again so they prioritize their tasks.

We all can somehow manage those tasks for which we are responsible or answerable like school homework, presentations, assignments, meetings, professional goals etc. But what about those goals that we make for personal improvement. These goals are harder to achieve. We just quit after trying two to three times, and the thought behind quitting is that we will do it some day but not now because we don’t have time right now… and so many other excuses.

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.”

Stephen Covey

I have decided to work on my SMART Goals and I know its hard to get rid of procrastination but it is not impossible. Make a plan and follow it.

So JUST START because the only moment that you have is NOW.



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